Atdtda23: [45.3ii] Carried away, 649
Paul Nightingale
isread at
Tue Dec 4 14:13:29 CST 2007
[649.26-28] In fact, Frank, who by day you wouldn't think got too carried
away by his imagination, was plagued at night by variations on one recurring
dream about Webb.
Cf. his introduction as a child blaster on 90:
Frank was more curious, in a kid-engineer kind of way, trying to blow up
every form of terrain he could talk Webb around to, just to see if there was
a general rule to any of it.
And subsequently tripping with "young Estrella" on 393, just before meeting
At no point in this did Frank think he was dreaming, probably because he
seldom remembered dreams, or paid attention to them even if he did.
A few pages further back, in gaol on 381:
Frank awoke very early in the morning from a dream of voyaging by air ...
Or even, on 377:
When he did sleep, he dreamed short, intense dreams nearly always about
Deuce Kindred. [...] But as dream followed dream ... etc, until:
"Hell, just a dream ..."
And then, on 460:
... visited each night now by a string of peculiarly clear-edged dreams
about Estrella Briggs.
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