The Thomas Pynchon Programming Package

Dave Monroe against.the.dave at
Sat Dec 15 09:20:13 CST 2007

Government Channels Sent To Area 51
Published: December 15, 2007

It is probably true that in the cable neighborhood Hillsborough
County's public/government access channels have been exiled to the
coaxial equivalent of Elba meets Area 51.

This week, Bright House Networks consigned the public/government
access channels from their spots on the lower end of the listings up
into the stratospheric 600 range. Think of this as the FEMA trailer of
cable television.

There's been a great deal of brou and no small amount of haha
associated with the reconfigured channel lineups, with many public
access devotees crying nefariousness most foul in being relegated into
the upper, upper reaches of the cable spectrum.

Depending on your level of cable service, you may already have access
to the various access channels now found up there in the Thomas
Pynchon Programming Package.

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