Married with Superpowers

Dave Monroe against.the.dave at
Tue Dec 25 17:37:52 CST 2007

Cf. ...

"Somehow it was all tied up with a story he'd heard once, about a boy
born with a golden screw where his navel should have been. For twenty
years he consults doctors and specialists all over the world, trying
to get rid of this screw, and having no success. Finally, in Haiti, he
runs into a voodoo doctor who gives him a foul-smelling potion. He
drinks it, goes to sleep and has a dream. In this dream he finds
himself on a street, lit by green lamps. Following the witch-man's
instructions, he takes two rights and a left from his point of origin,
finds a tree growing by the seventh street light, hung all over with
colored balloons. On the fourth limb from the top there is a red
balloon; he breaks it and inside is a screwdriver with a yellow
plastic handle. With the screwdriver he removes the screw from his
stomach, and as soon as this happens he wakes from the dream. It is
morning. He looks down toward his navel, the screw is gone. That
twenty years' curse is lifted at last. Delirious with joy, he leaps up
out of bed, and his ass falls off." (V., Ch. 1, p. 34)

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