NP - Norah Jones: My Dear Country

David Morris fqmorris at
Wed Dec 12 11:37:12 CST 2007

On the whole this is a pretty shallow article.  This statement in the
article is wrong in its essence:

"Demographers paint a picture of a somewhat melancholic, acutely
dissatisfied and to some extent bitter nation. And while many would
lay the blame at the feet of the country's unpopular president, George
W. Bush, American frustration goes far beyond the current occupant of
the White House."

The reason this is wrong is that all of the ills making Americans
dissatisfied listed further on in the article are because of the
actions of the current unpopular president:  incompetence of
government agencies, stagnating economy, the failed Iraq (& Afghan)
war, low dollar value, US moving in "wrong direction" - ALL of these
are directly the fault of Bush.  The US isn't in some ill-defined
pessimism.  It is in the grip of an unpopular president who refuses to
admit he's ever wrong, and won't change course no matter how much the
country wants him to.  THAT'S why we're depressed.  It's that simple.

David Morris

On Dec 12, 2007 8:29 AM, Otto <ottosell at> wrote:
> The Depressed Superpower
> By Gabor Steingart in Washington
> As frustration takes hold in the land of optimism, Americans are beginning to resemble Germans. They are collectively depressed over the Iraq War, the weak dollar and the aging of the baby boomers. Presidential candidates are left to preach change to an electorate that is afraid of it.

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