Atdtda23: [46.3] Second shot, 658-659

Dave Monroe against.the.dave at
Fri Dec 21 11:44:10 CST 2007

On 12/20/07, Michael Bailey <michael.lee.bailey at> wrote:

> "green blood?" said Reef later, after a long shower.
> sounds like he was slimed!

Vulcan blood is copper-based and is copper- or rust-colored when
deoxygenated in the veins and green when oxygenated in the arteries.
Bruises and dermal abrasions therefore take on a green color....

"It was sort of a green-black. … Like an avocado skin maybe."

The reaction in the room? "We were very concerned, obviously," said
Flexman, who is training in anesthesia at the hospital.

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