SNL Dakota Fanning Skit (Pynchon mention)

Joe Allonby joeallonby at
Sun Feb 4 13:26:37 CST 2007

It was actually pretty funny, even though it portrayed a young Pynchon fan
as an arrogant and nearly autisticly rude pseudointellectual twit.

We can now overanalyze this in regard to the selection of Pynchon as Dakota
Fanning's favorite author and of course the various Lolita analogues that
pop up in Pynchon's work and apparently his private life as well.

Ready, set, go:

On 2/4/07, davemarc <davemarc at> wrote:
> This is from Saturday Night Live (February 3-4, 2007):
> Cheers,
> d.
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