SNL Dakota Fanning Skit (Pynchon mention)

Mon Feb 5 18:16:11 CST 2007

Wind-Up Bird is very much about denial of past crimes; in fact a lot of
his work from WUBC onwards deals with collective trauma and cultural
amnesia. Which makes it unusual for Japanese literature, though it's not
necessarily obvious reading it in a non-Japanese context.
Underground (non-fiction) is also def. worth looking at - interviews
with survivors of the Aum Shinrikyo subway gas attack as well as members
of the cult. Again, more about the way the response to the attack
reveals something about Japanese culture.


From: owner-pynchon-l at [mailto:owner-pynchon-l at] On
Behalf Of rich
Sent: Tuesday, 6 February 2007 10:54 AM
To: the Robot Vegetable
Cc: Pynchlist
Subject: Re: SNL Dakota Fanning Skit (Pynchon mention)

wind up bird is my favorite--had much in the way of realism to balance
with the surreal
i thought kafka very much light weight

has murakami addressed the japanese penchant for avoiding its wartime
atrocities in WW2. wind up bird dealt w/ Manchuria and Mukden in some

i just saw the naked emperor's army marches on documentary and it's
quite good and I recommend it highly


On 2/5/07, the Robot Vegetable <veg at> wrote: 

	On Sun, 4 Feb 2007, Chris Abraham wrote: 
	> I am actually way more besotted by AtD than I was by book six
of Harry
	> Potter. Actually, I have not been so besotted by a by a book
since The
	> Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami. Anybody know if his
new book, 
	> Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman, or Kafka, are any good?
	   I just finished Kafka - very intriguing, very ambitious, but
	somehow he doesn't quite pull it off.  Kafka is definitely
	worth the read, but WUBC is head and shoulders better. 

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