Dhalgren reconsidered

mikebailey at speakeasy.net mikebailey at speakeasy.net
Fri Feb 9 23:27:54 CST 2007

David Caseres wrote:
>Delaney's Dhalgren may not be as much "fun to read" as many of his other
>fine works, but it, too, stands apart from the sci-fi canon and truly
>belongs in a Pynchon discussion.  It's difficult, sometimes repellent, but
>you really can't get away from it once you're in its presence.

Yes.  That's true. Liked your review.

Maybe not a feel-good book, but it does have a lot of substance.  It calls for study, more than just page-turning.  I didn't allow for the same strong heart and mind writing Dhalgren that wrote the shorter works that moved me so much.  Plus, for some reason, I was expecting ... well, something different (because of the way it was recommended to me and the circumstances I bought and read it in - long, boring story) 

At least I didn't yearn for a sequel at the end like I did with SIMPLGOS.  (but if I had, no problemo...next time I read it it'll be the sequel...)

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