ATDTDA (3) Dynamitic mania, 80-86

Monte Davis monte.davis at
Mon Feb 26 10:26:49 CST 2007

Thanks for the rich detail, Bekah!

> Those who came after 1890 were mostly unskilled laborers  and they 
> tended to be at least somewhat socialist (of the Utopian, not 
> Scientific, variety - not Marxist),  and started Socialist Clubs...

I don't know much about immigratiopn to the mountain West, but did put 
in some time a few years ago studying blilingualism and the associated 
history of "cultural panics" over immigration. You can't read about the 
great wave of 1885-1920 without noticing how freely the nativist anxiety 
mixed up ethnicity (with all its  pseudo-Darwinist or frankly racist 
baggage), religion, language, and  politics.

It was as if those outside the UK-Irish-German core (by then coming to 
be sanctioned as traditional) were genetically prone to dangerous 
ideas...  and as if that core had never included the ample range of 
politics, not to say millennial craziness, that we see in M&D.
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