2006 Top 10 Recordings

Joshua Lind lindj at wou.edu
Mon Jan 1 02:28:29 CST 2007

> Subject: Re: 2006 Top 10 Recordings

Thanks to everybody who posted a list of their favorite music.  I've had a great time researching those artists on Rhapsody.  Here's a list of albums from 2006 that I listened to a lot:

1. The Killers - Sam's Town
2. My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade
3. Thursday - A City By the Light Divided
4. Desa - Arriving Alive
5. Queensryche - Operation Mindcrime II
6. Iron Maiden - A Matter of Life and Death
7. The Sleeping - Questions and Answers
8. Vaux - Beyond Virtue, Beyond Vice
9. Taking Back Sunday - Louder Now
10. Boy Kill Boy - Civilian

I've been chosing my own "song of the year" since 1992.  And, although they got no love from the critics, this year's top track is "Why Do I Keep Counting?" by the Killers.

Have a great year, everybody!

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