AtD roundtable

Chris Broderick elsuperfantastico at
Thu Jan 4 00:33:06 CST 2007

I actually thought his later works were better,
particularly Arc D'X and The Sea Came in at Midnight. 
Haven't read Tours of the Black Clock or either of his
non-fictional books (Leap Year and American Nomad) or
any of his film criticism, but I've read the rest of
his novels.  I was less impressed with his last, Our
Ecstatic Days, though I was glad that he took himself
to task for his continued obsession with strippers. 
Anyway, bilocation is certainly a prevalent theme, and
one can easily see why Pynchon likes his work...


the early ones are better--days between stations, e.g.
he's also a very perceptive film critic by the way


On 1/3/07, Ya Sam <takoitov at> wrote:
> Erickson is one of those numerous authors I want to
read in the 
> Pynchon-blurbed as well.

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