Misleading misprints

Ya Sam takoitov at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 4 15:09:03 CST 2007

A demure sentence can become Rabelaisian due to proofreaders' carelessness

A reader of Patrick O'Brian's "Aubrey/Maturin Novels" complains:

"But I have a major reservation with Norton's omnibus edition: there is 
little evidence that the publishers bothered to proofread their newly re-set 
text. Not only are there the usual, minor misspellings (like 'sorpething' 
instead of 'something'), but some far more problematic ones -- the kind that 
leave you with the nagging feeling: "surely O'Brian didn't write that." My 
favorite (so far) is in Book Two (Post Captain), which describes Canning's 
"great delighted laugh, a crowing noise that rose from a deep ass..." (see 
page 738). Checking the text of the previous hardback and paperback edition 
confirmed that O'Brian referred to Canning's vocal range ("bass"), not his 
nether regions. "


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