ATD review

gp wescac at
Sun Jan 7 11:11:31 CST 2007

I actually like the Chums a lot, though I can definitely believe Joe's
theory.  I don't think I could honestly write a stellar review of ATD
though regardless of my enjoyment (reviews are for a large audience,
after all, a large audience that doesn't have time for lessons on
quaternions and ijk=-1 math and such)...  and honestly the math
portions of it do lose me as well, but I realize that with a Pynchon
novel you aren't going to necessarily get it from one go.  But this
reviewer is definitely off the mark in regards to most of his

In any case McMorrow usually does a much better job at reviewing in
general, but at the same time the Dig is sort of a "hipster" rag so
I've not really seen much as far as dense literature goes in their
review section.

On 1/7/07, Joe Allonby <joeallonby at> wrote:
> I agree. The Dig is something I look forward to. Their comics are pretty
> good. The reviewer is off the mark though. He doesn't get the Chums of
> Chance. They're supposed to be annoying. Even the name Chums of Chance is
> irritating. Why do they have to have a name at all? Why is their ship named
> Inconvenience? I just want to smack them. That's what they're for. I think
> they are a nifty little creation, geewhillickers.
> Spellcheck is having a hell of a time trying to figure that one out.
> Must watch football now.
> Joe
> On 1/6/07, gp <wescac at> wrote:
> > The Weekly Dig, for those who are not aware, is a Boston-based weekly
> > rag that spends a lot of time making fun of local politics and the
> > like.  From my understanding the book reviews are either done by Paul
> > McMorrow or a freelancer...  O'Neil's name isn't familiar.  But in any
> > case they don't even run a book review every week (I pick a copy up
> > every week).  It's a really fun paper but I wouldn't be looking to it
> > for any sort of insight into literature of any kind.  It does seem to
> > do a good job on movies and music, however.  And the skewering of
> > local politics is usually pretty golden.  Oh, and sometimes they'll
> > let people denounce one anothers as communist traitors in the letters
> > section, which is totally classic.
> >
> > On 1/6/07, Carvill John < johncarvill at> wrote:
> > > Anyone who writes this...
> > >
> > > "That said, there are still moments of sheer genius at work here."
> > >
> > > ...really oughtn't be criticising anyone, least of all Pynchon.
> > >
> > >
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