Two Encyclopedias, Fat and Thin
David Gentle
gentle_family at
Thu Jan 11 23:32:50 CST 2007
>> As well as in Tom Swift novels...
>> But Pynchon's always been good at the cliffhanger
>> (see the end of Lot 49)....
> See also, not only the end of GR, but of V. as well.
> Not just a cliff hanger, but a clff jumper, it seems.
> Anyone have a take on just what happens there? I
> asked this during the last V. group read, but no
> takers, so ...
I'm fairly certain I resonded back then and suggested that the lights going
out where the actors reaching the edge of the canvas. They continue but we
cannot see them. Maybe it was a stupid idea but P. seems obsessed with the
difficult problem of where to stop the sort of novel he writes.
David Gentle
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