Britannica 11th Ed.

Ande andekgrahn at
Sat Jan 13 15:16:39 CST 2007

Tore Rye Andersen wrote:

>> From: "Henry Musikar"
>> What's up with that edition?  I've just heard PJ O'Rourke on NPR; he 
>> uses
>> Selectrics to write, and he has a few Britannicas, his favorite of 
>> which is
>> the 1911 11th ed.  Says that they were sure of themselves back then.
> It was Borges' favourite as well. Apparently it wasn't encyclopedic in 
> the traditional, "objective" sense. Rather, it largely consisted of 
> long, impressionistic essays. The current edition of Britannica refers 
> to the 11th edition as "the famed 11th edition" and states that "The 
> rich, leisurely prose of the 11th edition marked the pinnacle of 
> literary style in the Britannica." Literary style - not something one 
> usually says in the same sentence as "encyclopedia"...
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