sex scene commentary / book commentary in general (ATD)

gp wescac at
Mon Jan 15 11:48:09 CST 2007

Man, that was quite a diatribe I wrote.  Upon further inspection I
realize that that Arak I was sipping on is 100 proof.  Real smooth
stuff though

Regardless I meant what I said, and I will definitely give M&D another
shot.  I appreciate the advice.

On 1/14/07, David Casseres <david.casseres at> wrote:
> On 1/14/07, gp <wescac at> wrote:
> > > In any case, while I am unabashedly a fanboy of Pynchon, you would
> > > never hear me waxing poetic about M&D (unless it reveals more to me
> > > upon further reading than it has so far)
> I promise you:
> A second reading of M&D will pay off big time.
> M&D illuminates GR in many ways.
> M&D sets the stage for AtD.
> M&D sits at the very center of Pynchon's work.

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