Daniel Kehlmann - Measuring the World

marscalla at aol.com marscalla at aol.com
Tue Jan 16 02:43:29 CST 2007

it was the 2006-bestseller in germany, topic of conversation between the butcher and the housewife - this book is really a bad joke - and the comparison with P? Oh jesus....
mario s.
-----Ursprüngliche Mitteilung-----
Von: ottosell at googlemail.com
An: pynchon-l at waste.org
Verschickt: Di., 16.Jan.2007, 0:14
Thema: Daniel Kehlmann - Measuring the World

Measuring the World 
By Daniel Kehlmann 
Translated from the German by Carol Brown Janeway 
"Compared to Thomas Pynchon in his recent Against the Day, Kehlmann 
keeps his flights of fancy close to earth." 
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