AtD : 666, 777 spoilers etc. . . .

robinlandseadel at robinlandseadel at
Tue Jan 16 04:56:26 CST 2007

. . . .you know---more totally psychotic bovine excreta, 

I recall that we were discussing the Against the Day's 
length prior to its issue, so we all know that 960 pages 
was one possibility. In any case, we spent a good long 
time abusing keyboards with anticipatory rants concerning
pagination and other marginalia.

Now, after having posted about the number"49", 
Gematria and the end of the world, I run across
my ex-nephew-in-law @+*^ at the bookstore
where I work. @+*^'s into Enochian Magic, and
Crowley and all that stuff, and I asked him about
49, and how it worked out in those types of systems.
He noted that Dee's system and Crowley's systems
are different systems, lamanted the loss of this:

from the shelves of the bookstore and then 
he pointed me in the direction of Crowley's

It's a bit like a phone directory of sorts.

In any case, I thought it was really quite a hoot that
Reef's misadventure with 'Pert's puppy Mouffette
should land on page 666, of all pages. So I thought,
what the hell, try page 777, see what pops up. . . .

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