csmonitor review

David Morris fqmorris at gmail.com
Tue Jan 16 08:53:22 CST 2007

You can't expect everyone to enjoy Pynchon.  Also, you should know
that the Christian Science Monitor is a quite respected newspaper,
known for high journalistic standards.   They are NOT fundamentalists.
 In fact, fundamentalists consider them to be a Cult.  Still, their
religion is pretty screwy.

David Morris

On 1/16/07, Otto <ottosell at googlemail.com> wrote:
> All in one 'Day': anarchist bombers, literate dogs, and time travel Thomas Pynchon's latest novel is an exhausting display of the imagination run amok.
> (...)
> This is not to say that longtime fans won't love the novel. It is nothing if not Pynchonian. But if you value narrative coherence and deeply thought-out characters, you're out of luck. Admittedly, there are some highly entertaining stretches. But just when a reader is settling in to enjoy one, someone will nearly drown in a sea of mayonnaise. Sadly, I'm not being metaphorical.
> (...)
> By Yvonne Zipp,
> from the January 16, 2007 edition:
> http://www.csmonitor.com/2007/0116/p13s01-bogn.html
> Isn't Cristian and Science some kind of a contradiction in itself?
> So don't expect a very positivive review.

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