csmonitor review

David Morris fqmorris at gmail.com
Tue Jan 16 14:16:03 CST 2007


Christian Science does not rely on conventional medicine but holds
that the ills of the flesh, including death itself, can be healed
through prayer and faith in God. This belief extends to the
possibility of healing any kind of wrong-doing, not just illness.
Christian Scientists see sin, disease, and death as derived from a
false sense of separation from God. They believe that healing is
accomplished when one realizes one's perfection and unity with God.

At the core of Christian Science is the teaching that God and God's
creation are entirely good and spiritual, and that God has made all
things in His likeness. They hold that the reality of being and of all
existence is spiritual, not material. Christian Scientists see this
spiritual reality as the only reality and all else as illusion or
'error'. Christian Science acknowledges that we all seem to be
experiencing a material existence, but holds that this experience
ultimately gives way to a true spiritual understanding of God and
creation. They believe that this is how healing through prayer is

On 1/16/07, gp <wescac at gmail.com> wrote:
>   and I think the "Science" part because they're all into getting sick and then not seeing doctors before Jesus will save them with his something-or-other, I don't entirely understand exactly, basically if God wants you to die you should die and not fight it, I think.

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