for the seriously obsessed or whatever it was
pynchonoid at
Thu Jan 18 13:05:04 CST 2007
Fair use is cool, I'm an enthusiastic user of this
concept in my business and creative work, but fair use
is not the same as copying books and passing them
around as a way to avoid buying them or getting them
from the library or downloads authorized by the
creators. If an author wants to put a work out there
for free licensing, under the Creative Commons thing
that's evolving out there, that sort of thing, that's
a different thing entirely.
I'm also not talking about somebody scanning a book in
for a specific purpose - indexing Gravity's Rainbow,
or Against the Day, say - for personal, non-commercial
use, no problemo. Or scanning (or typing, as Dave
does, to the enrichment of this discussion in every
way) and sharing passages of a copyrighted work in the
context of a literary discussion, that's permitted
under fair use as I understand it. Go for it.
More to the point of my original post:
Sounds like most folks know how to avoid trailing that
redundant garbage with their fascinating and brief new
posts, but they're too lazy to do it.
And, polite requests have been ignored.
Yes, it's true, maybe you won't see this garbage if
you don't get the Pynchon-L Digest version of the
posts, which I've been using now for awhile. So, out
of sight, out of mind, I suppose. That's why I'm
bringing it up again, it's annoying, unnecessary, and
creates a real problem for a few folks who might
otherwise be participating more in this forum. And
it's a waste of Internet bandwidth, to boot. See,
I've learned my List Nanny lessons well, davemarc,
you're an Inspiration.
Enough of that for today. Back to your regularly
scheduled programmming.
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