Borges' opinions

rich richard.romeo at
Sat Jan 20 17:36:12 CST 2007

sounds like a macho dickhead

never was a big fan of all that knife fighting and bullfighting shite

On 1/20/07, Ya Sam <takoitov at> wrote:
> Hmmm...
> "He was a man of forceful, though inconsistent, opinions: Shakespeare is
> the
> most overrated writer, Joyce's books are idiotic but keep literary critics
> employed, anyone who admires Baudelaire is an imbecile."
> "Many of his reported opinions will confirm the view that he was a racist:
> "I am not anti-Semite, but the fact that everywhere the most varied
> cultures
> have persecuted Jews is an argument against them." He was, in any case, an
> equal-opportunity supremacist: "I was asked if I liked Brazil. I said no,
> because the country is full of negroes. They didn't like that at all. One
> can't say anything against negroes. Their only merit is to have been
> mistreated and that, as Bernard Shaw remarked, is no merit."
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