AtDAtD: A Couple/Three Notes

Dave Monroe monropolitan at
Mon Jan 22 11:26:59 CST 2007

First off, welcome Pynchon List recruits and veteran,
lifers and reenlistees, frontline and covert ops,
u.s.w., et so forthiam, to this, the first of what I'm
sure will be many (perhaps not in my lifetime, but
...) patented P-List Group Readings of Thomas
Pynchon's Against the Day, only the second time in
List History (such as it is ...) that we've had a
brand spanking new novel to violate (introductions,
interviews not matter how disputed, appearances no
matter how animated, on the other hand).  Uh, discuss,
I mean ...

But before we begin (interpolate Derridean aside here
[interpolate Derridean parenthetical remark here
(...)]), a couple/three notes ...

First, I'll be addressing you from a new address,
conjured up specifically for this reading.  I THINK
it'll be instantly recognizable as me, but ... but if
anyone needs to get hold of me offlist, this'll still
likely be the best place to get hold of me ...

Second, for anyone new to this, believe you me, how
I'm about to go about this is hardly standard, if,
indeed, there can be said to be a standard (other than
"high" [in all its polyphony ...]) at all here.  I
have my own  format, an idiosyncratic approach to
abbreviation and pagination, and a tendecy not so much
to comment as to simply (...) provide possibly
relevant passages, hyperlinks, and other information
in the hope (springing eternal ...) that it all might
trigger some sort of productive response or otherwise
be of use for/to someone out there.  Even if it's only
like laying a landmine, to go off fortuitously at some
point/time down the line.  Check yr archives ...

(Also, no one else will use quite so much ...
punctuation, so ...)

But I look at hosting here like hosting a party,
arrange the space and povide the refreshments, keep
the drinks and snacks and conversations as full and
flowing as possible, but, mostly, let yr guests do the
talking.    So let me know if you need anything, feel
free kick of yr shoes, move the furniture, whatever. 
Mi casa e su ... meanwhile, mingle, mingle ...

Third, a question.  Just waht does AtDAtD stand for
again?  Thanks in advance, for everything ...

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