AtDDtA1: Dust Jacket

Dave Monroe monropolitan at
Mon Jan 22 14:58:13 CST 2007

I posted that link in lieu of either
posting/excerpting the text there, hunting down
anything/everything relevant in the Archives, or
summarizing/ranting on my own.  Seemed like a good
synthesis of all the above, so ... well, again, of
course, a starting point, or a set thereof, at any
rate, only.  Thanks again ...

--- Ya Sam <takoitov at> wrote:

> Maybe that's a sort of recap, but since more and
> more people have finished or are about to finish
> the book and therefore may have fresh ideas, I
> would like to ask everybody: what do you think
> about the title, if we see it through a doubling
> piece of Iceland Spar, why is it tripled?

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