AtDDtA1: Pugnax

Ya Sam takoitov at
Tue Jan 23 16:11:22 CST 2007

Canis Pugnax

When the Roman Empire conquered Italy, they soon discovered the
Molossoid dogs' power as war and fighting dogs. They worked very seriously 
and purposefully to improve the breed in the second and first centuries BC. 
They developed what we today call the Canis pugnax (the Roman Wardog) which 
they used in warfare as well as in dog fights in the theaters (in fights 
against other animals such as
lions, bears etc. as well as humans)

The Canis pugnax became the progenitor of the Italian molossoid dogs: Cane 
Corso, and its local varieties - Mastino Napolitano, Dogo Sardo, Cane Di 
Mannera, Branchiero Siciliano, and the Sicilian Vuccerisco.

The appearance of Canis pugnax in antique statues and mosaic works is well 
documented. They have a striking likeness with our
Cane Corsos, which apparently haven't changed much in the 2000 years that 
have passed since the days of the Roman Empire. The Canis pugnax were 
muscular and powerful without any excess of weight. They were very mobile 
and had staying power. Mentally they must have been very aggressive.

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