AtDDtA1: "Liverpool Kiss"

Dave Monroe against.the.dave at
Tue Jan 23 21:51:11 CST 2007

   "'Insubordinate drivel, Suckling,' sternly declared Lindsay, 'will
earn you someday what is known among the lower seafaring elements as a
'Liverpool Kiss' ..." (AtD, Pt. I, Ch. 2, pp. 11-2)

Liverpool Kiss  	

English term for a Head butt, a form of physical attack where the
victim is hit on the forehead by the attacker's head.

Generally known as a Liverpool Kiss, it is just a headbutt, usually
aimed at the top of the nose. There is no "pretend kiss" involved.

It is sometimes referred to as a Glaswegian Kiss (from Glasgow), or a
Geordie Kiss (from Newcastle), but usually only by natives of those
towns wanting to make their town sound tough by claiming credit for
inventing the headbutt.

Glasgow kiss, n. [ Glasgow, the name of a city in west central
Scotland + KISS n., in humorous allusion to the reputation for
violence accorded to some parts of the city. Cf. earlier Liverpool
kiss s.v. LIVERPOOL n.]  A head-butt.

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