ATDTDA (1): Waziristan

Tim Strzechowski dedalus204 at
Thu Jan 25 14:49:59 CST 2007

"Here were Waziris from Waziristan exhibiting upon one another various techniques for waylaying travelers, which reckoned in that country as a major source of income" (p. 23).

Waziristan is a mountainous region of northwest Pakistan, bordering Afghanistan and covering some 11 585 km² (4,473 mi²). It comprises the area west and southwest of Peshawar between the Tochi River to the north and the Gomal River to the south, forming part of Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas. The North-Wes Frontier Province lies immediately to the east. The region was an independent tribal territory from 1893, remaining outside of British-ruled empire and Afghanistan. Tribal raiding into British-ruled territory was a constant problem for the British, eliciting frequent punitive expeditions between 1860 and 1945. The region became part of Pakistan in 1947. [...]!waz.html

Perhaps it's the lawless character of the region that makes Pynchon equate it here with the Chicago Fair:

Is Pynchon here making a subtle reference to Bin Laden's suspected hiding place?  cf.
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