Atd Dutch Review

Otto ottosell at
Fri Jan 26 09:00:49 CST 2007

I'd like to read them both!

2007/1/26, Michel Ryckx <mryc2903 at>:
> Correction:
> The first review in Dutch was written by Luc Herman (guest editor of PN
> 42-43, 'Approach and Avoid') and published in the Belgian paper 'De
> Standaard', Dec. 15, 2006.
> Thanks to the subscriber who notified me.
> Michel Ryckx <mryc2903 at> a écrit :
> For those who speak Dutch: as far as I know the first Dutch review of Atd in
> De Volkskrant (Netherlands).  Is not online.
> Overall pretty positive, however in the next to last paragraph it says that
> reading the novel is a 'cerebral' joy, while the last para states that  the
> readers begins to love the characters, even when they are cortoonesque/
> I'll type the thing in if someone is interested.
> Michel.
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