Another failure to read AtD

Cyrus ioannissevastianos at
Fri Jan 26 17:52:48 CST 2007

Ya Sam wrote:
> from
> [...]
> I think Dostoyevsky once wrote (maybe in �The Idiot�?) about a 
> �leading idea� in fiction, and it seemed that was lacking in �Against 
> the Day.� I couldn�t even begin to trust the novel and its narrators 
> (well, maybe, the narrator of the Chums of Chance sections) because I 
> wasn�t convinced there was a clear direction the novel was taking me. 
> Not-knowingness, of course, is something readers always deal with as 
> they learn more and more about the characters, places and events as 
> they read. But they can often at least glimpse or have an expectation 
> of where the novel is heading within the first fifth of a book. [...]

Reading Pynchon in terms of Dostoyevsky -- bad, bad idea...


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