ATDDTA: Quotes

Keith keithsz at
Sat Jan 27 13:31:49 CST 2007

I haven't caught up with the list discussion, so I fear repeating  
things, nevertheless......

TRP's usage of quotes is taken from the style of the Tom Swift books:

 From _Tom Swift and his Airship_:

There were also two large propellers, one in front and the other at  
the rear. These were carefully made, of different layers of wood  
"built up" as they are called, to make them stronger.

The engine, steering apparatus, and the gas machine were within easy  
reach and control of the pilot, who was to be stationed in a small  
room in the "bow" of the ship.

Mr. Sharp evidently did know how to "explain" matters to the irate  
principal, for, in a short while, she was smiling. By this time Tom  
had about finished his little lecture, and Miss Delafield was at the  
end of hers.

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