Pynchon's misdirection

robinlandseadel at robinlandseadel at
Mon Jan 29 20:30:57 CST 2007

"Cambridge personality Bertie ('Mad Dog') Russell" 
observed Batty Nebulay, "that most of Hegel's 
arguments come down to puns on the word 'is' . . . .
AtD 538

>From a, uh, offlist mystery correspondent ...

  There is a story about Lord Bertrand Russell that
comes to mind here, who knows why.  When Lord Russell
was in his 90s a doctor in his 50s made a public
suggestion in an article: hospitalized persons over 80
should be treated with "benign neglect" as they have
already lived long, full lives; while sustaining them
is very costly, and occupies hospital beds that could
be otherwise put to better use.  To which Russell
replied (in effect): "It seems the good doctor is not
yet old enough to know better."

Trieste and that city's homonyms, are known. 
Trackable. Triestero is unknown. There is no 
true historcal correlate, no marker or 
encyclopedia entry for this "system", this
collection of possibly related skeins. But there is
a great, mysterious city. And there is sadness.

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