ATDTDA (1): Oltre Giubba (30:4)

Tim Strzechowski dedalus204 at
Tue Jan 30 21:41:23 CST 2007

"As it happened," Lindsay, the Unit Historian, recalled, "we caught a contrary wind, and ended up in the middle of some unpleasantness in Oltre Giubba, instead of down at alex, where we had counted upon some weeks of educational diversion, not to mention a more salubrious atmosphere" (p. 30).

Jubaland (Somali: Jubbaland) or Juba Valley (Somali: Dooxada Jubba), formerly Trans-Juba (Italian: Oltre Giuba), is the southwesternmost part of Somalia, on the far side of the Juba River (thus "Trans"-Juba), bordering on Kenya.

It has a total area of 87,000 km² (33,000 sq mi), and in 1926 a population of 12,000. The main city is Kismayo, on the coast near the mouth of the Juba. The area was mainly inhabited by the Ogaden nomads sub clan with other Dir and Hawiye clans. 


Jubaland was ruled by the Arabian Sultanate of Muscat (now in Oman) from 1836 until 1861 when the new Sultanate of Zanzibar was split from Muscat and Oman and given control of its African territories .

The area was mainly inhabited by the Somali Ogaden nomad sub clan with other Dir and Hawiye clans.

On 7 November 1890, Zanzibar became a British protectorate and, on 1 July 1895, ceded all its coastal possessions in continental East Africa to its protector. Together with Zanzibar's other former possessions in the area, Jubaland became part of the British colony of British East Africa (present day Kenya). [...]

Lots of postal stamp information in relation to Oltre Giuba:


Main Entry: sa·lu·bri·ous 
Pronunciation: s&-'lü-brE-&s
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin salubris; akin to salvus safe, healthy -- more at SAFE
: favorable to or promoting health or well-being <salubrious habits>
synonym see HEALTHFUL 
- sa·lu·bri·ous·ly adverb 
- sa·lu·bri·ous·ness noun 
- sa·lu·bri·ty  /-br&-tE/ noun
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