AtDDtA1: Psycho-Gastric Twinges

Dave Monroe monropolitan at
Wed Jan 31 12:13:38 CST 2007

   "They went off to a steak house nearby for lunch. 
Though reunions with the Professor were always
enjoyable, this time something different, some
autumnal disquiet behind the climate of warm
celebration, produced psycho-gastric twinges Randolph
had learned from experience he could ignore only at
his peril."  (AtD, Pt. I, Ch. 3, p. 30)

Gut Feeling - physiological relationship between
gastrointestinal tract and brain

International Foundation for Functional
Gastrintestinal Disorders

Cf. ...

"cryptick Intestinal Commentary."  (M&D, Ch. 29, p.

haruspicy, "inspecting the entrails of slaughtered

splanchomancy, "reading cut sections of a goat liver,"
"divination by examining the entrails of sacrificial

from Steven Connor, Dumbstruck: A Cultural History
of Ventriloquism (New York: Oxford UP, 2000), Ch. 2,
"Earth, Breath, Frenzy: The Delphic Oracle," pp.47-74

   "Even where they do not literally identify the
influx of demons through and utterance from the
genitals, other descriptions of the oracle from the
early centuries of the Christian era onwards seem to
insist more generally upon the importance of the ideas
either of a vaginal opening or invaginated hollowness.
 Accounts speak generally of the pythia's 'descent' to
give her oracles, which has encouraged in some the
belief that the physical space of the oracle was
didvided between the place where the consulter's
enquiry was voiced and the inner space, either below
the ground, in an inner space, or behind a veil, from
which the pythia gave her response.  Thus, diffeent
accounts speak of the pythia delivering her oracles
from the adyton, the secret inner space of the temple,
or from the stomion.  Stomion signifies a mouth or
opening, and supplies the English word stomach because
of this reference ....   The English word stomach is
apt to suggest belly-speaking [ventriloquism] beacuse
the word signifies at once a kind of burial in the
depths of the body and an opening outwards.  The
stomion of the oracle seems to have suggested to many
that the space of consultation was a vocal space.  But
it was also an interior, or visceral space.  Entering
the oracle, the enquirers thus appeared to enter a
resonant or speaking body." (p. 54)


Devo, "Gut Feeling/Slap Your Mammy"

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