Lyndon LaRouche Mystery Theater

robinlandseadel at robinlandseadel at
Wed Jul 11 21:21:58 CDT 2007

Writing about the LaRouche Youth Movement finally 
allowed me to use some of the research material 
piling up for a novel that's never quite come together.

Maybe it was the anxiety of influence. Lyndon LaRouche 
always seemed like a character right out of Thomas 

It's not just that line in Crying of Lot 49 about "the true 
paranoid for whom all is organized in spheres joyful or 
threatening about the central pulse of himself."

All the psychosexual strangeness in Pynchon, from V. 
through Against the Day, has its analog in polemics like 
"Beyond Psychoanalysis" and "The Sexual Impotence 
of the Puerto Rican Socialist Party" that LaRouche wrote 
in the early '70s, back when he was known as Lyn Marcus. 
(Everybody thinks that name was supposed to mean that 
LaRouche believed he was "Lenin and Marx" rolled into 
one. But that, alas, seems to be an urban legend, as I 
mention in the column.)

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