Kick-Ass Thank You: on Laura on Lake

mikebailey mikebailey at
Tue Jun 5 05:53:03 CDT 2007

> On 5/27/07, Mark Kohut <markekohut at> wrote:
> > Laura,
> >
> > I like this......Lake as the thinnned-out, shallow "entropic" end of
>>what one p-lister---Mike Bailey?--called 'muscular anarchism'.
>>Maybe this is why she is so uninteresting, so shallow [to some of us]

'twarn't me -- and I don't remember seeing that post...
nice phrase, though, wish I had said it.

the phrase, of course, harkens back to "muscular Christianity"
which was popularized by "Victorian-era English writers Charles Kingsley and
Thomas Hughes (though the name was bestowed by others)" (wikipedia)
--- that development was a literal linkage of Christianity with
physical fitness and sports, bringing sport to the YMCA, where
basketball was invented.

anarchist golf as depicted in AtD, really isn't too far a cry
from the "anarchist soccer" that local anarchists play in Loose Park
in Kansas City - or did during a brief heyday in 2003-2004;
checking on the Web, apparently there is still some going on
in more progressive cities; the Wikipedia article on the Anarchist
Soccer Network was apparently deleted by somebody...

and but so now, in the spirit of throwing the kitchen sink into my posts,
this item is marginally relevant to the theme of anarchism,
and also the "bookburning" article recently linked to here:

let me note that I did visit Prospero's Sunday & the store is
doing fine, the dude and his family were present, people were
browsing and buying...

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