AtDTDA 107.11 Tesla Device

Henry scuffling at
Sun Jun 10 09:06:27 CDT 2007

Not exactly a Tesla device, but I gotta build one of these: 

(and perhaps one of these: )

Henry M 

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-pynchon-l at [mailto:owner-pynchon-l at] On Behalf
Of Richard Fiero
Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2007 8:57 PM
To: pynchon-l at
Subject: Re: AtDTDA 107.11 Tesla Device

robinlandseadel at wrote:
>. . .
>              With his newly created Tesla coils, the inventor soon
>           discovered that he could transmit and receive powerful
>           radio signals when they were tuned to resonate at the
>           same frequency. When a coil is tuned to a signal of a
>           particular frequency, it literally magnifies the incoming
>           electrical energy through resonant action. By early
>           1895, Tesla was ready to transmit a signal 50 miles to
>           West Point, New York... But in that same year, disaster
>           struck. A building fire consumed Tesla's lab, destroying
>           his work.
. . .

An article in "The Register" outlines a way of powering laptops in a 
wireless "hotspot"
Boffins demo wireless electricity
Switching on lightbulbs from a distance

The group of researchers, from the Massachusetts Institute of 
Technology (MIT), outlined their ideas in a paper in 2006. But this 
experiment (the details of which have been published in the Journal 
Science), is the first time it has been made to work.

The experiment exploits the phenomenon of resonant coupling. It 
involves two copper coils of two feet in diameter. One, the 
transmitter, is connected to a power source and the other is 
connected to a light bulb. The two coils are set up two metres apart, 
and when the transmitter is switched on, the light bulb (attached to 
the receiver) lights up.

MIT explains how resonant coupling can add energy to a system by 
drawing a parallel with a child on a swing. The child can, by pumping 
his or her legs at the resonant frequency of the swing, add energy to 
the system and swing higher. Similarly, an opera singer can, by 
sustaining a powerful enough note for long enough, cause a wine glass 
to shatter, so long as the note matches the resonant frequency of the glass.

In the experiment, the transmitter generates a non-radiative magnetic 
field oscillating at MHz frequencies. This field mediates the power 
exchange with the other coil, which has been specifically designed to 
resonate with it.

The researchers explain that the crucial advantage of using the 
non-radiative field lies in the fact that most of the power not 
picked up by the receiving coil remains bound to the vicinity of the 
sending unit, instead of being radiated into the environment and lost.

This design does limit the range of the power transfer, but is much 
more efficient. The team adds that it is about a million times more 
efficient than non-resonance based induction.

"The body really responds strongly to electric fields, which is why 
you can cook a chicken in a microwave," Professor Sir John Pendry of 
Imperial College London told the BBC. "But it doesn't respond to 
magnetic fields. As far as we know the body has almost zero response 
to magnetic fields in terms of the amount of power it absorbs."

This, we are sure, will not stop someone from claiming that their 
WiTricity has given them a headache/nausea/caused them to be bed 
ridden. A friend of El Reg recently reported meeting someone who 
claimed her LCD screen made her sneeze. We'll make no further comment.  

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