A Show Of Hands

Tim Strzechowski dedalus204 at comcast.net
Tue Jun 12 08:58:30 CDT 2007

I'm here.  I'm lurking, trying to juggle a variety of projects and watching 
the ATDTDA unfold from the back row.  Yes, I should chime in once in a while 
to make an observation, ask a question, or simply make a face at the teacher 
while his back's turned.

While the discussion seems to have risen and dropped depending on the host 
and the section, I can't recall the last flame war we've seen, which is 
impressive to say the least.  Not trying to jinx matters, just acknowledging 
everyone's efforts in keeping this on topic as much as possible!

> Terrance hasn't shown up, and the usually omniscent Tim Strzechowski
> appears to be on haitus. The assigment list for AtDTDA follows. Here's
> my question. Who's on board? [...] 

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