Well I just reread Vineland and the news is still bad...

Paul Mackin paul.mackin at verizon.net
Tue Jun 12 18:02:33 CDT 2007

On Jun 12, 2007, at 5:05 PM, robinlandseadel at comcast.net wrote:

>  what is it that makes GR superior
> to AtD?

My sneaking suspicion is that GR ISN'T really superior to AtD, or  
isn't THAT much superior.

Our disappointment with the latest book may be mostly a product of  
the passage of time.

Thirty five years ago Pynchon's innovative approach to fiction  
writing was still fresh.

It no longer is.


This doesn't mean I won't read him. I pushed through AtD probably as  
fast as any of you did and
don't feel my time was wasted .

Notwithstanding the good that's in the book I nevertheless feel I've  
outgrown a lot of the  old Pynchon schtick.

The other possibility is he's outgrown me, but that seems unlikely.

P. (oldest living Pynchon reader)

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