ATDTDA (11) As Hellkite, So To-Hell-U-Ride [297:13]

Keith keithsz at
Wed Jun 13 21:13:01 CDT 2007

In the text he is equating "the day-and-night commercial bustling  
down below" with "the wide-open promise of desire unleashed" and  
contrasting it with the cold, haunted ghost-town atmosphere that  
Frank is encountering up above. This is in keeping with the maxim AS  
ABOVE, SO BELOW, as both are Hell. Telluride (below) is initially  
introduced as Hell, but the trip (above) to Little Hell(!)kite is  
even more hellacious. To-Hell-U-Ride below is as Little Hellkite  
above. The stench above is even more intense than the smell below.  
The American Dream is the "the wide-open promise of desire  
unleashed".....unlimited wealth and license in the land of plenty,  
free from authoritarian governmental control. Here it is presented as  
a transitory illusion, in reality both coming from, leading to, Hell.

 From Maximalist Anarchism/Anarchist Maximalism
      by John Moore

Maximalism might be defined as imagination and desire unleashed.  
Moving beyond politics, maximalism means conducting experiments,  
freely chosen in line with desire, imagination and interest, in all  
areas of everyday life, including language, modes of thought,  
perception, behaviour, relationships, action and interaction.  
Anarchist maximalism is the optimal means to create our own lives  
free of the controls exercised by power, authority and order.

Also - Twice, the text reminds us that Frank is no spiritualist, but  
that he cannot deny there are forces at work bigger than his  
conscious perspective giving him a big case of the creeps. (Cf.,  
[293:27-28] and [297:11-12])

On Jun 13, 2007, at 5:04 AM, Mark Kohut wrote:

Here's the big essay question of the day:  "the wide-open promise of  
desire unleashed"...
What does this mean in TRP's vision?....oxymoronic?.......'desire  
unleashed' might be
taken in other books, in our usual conversation, as a bad.  
destructive thing.....why does it hold "wide-open promise"?......

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