ATDDTA the Chums narrator

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Thu Jun 14 09:45:32 CDT 2007

I think these obs are very true and can be elaborated on (as can almost everything in AtD).
  I think it is part of TRPs schema to make solidly the point that 'framed',"mannered", shaped
  fiction--certainly what we call 'escape' fiction, but does anyone else think TRP views almost all old-fashioned fiction as an "escape" part of the 'problem' of getting 'life'.......

mikebailey at wrote:
>The Chums of Chance narrator is a self-conscious, very famous author 
> of a series of celebrated children's novels. 

but, however, mutatis mutandis, amicus curiae, let us consider 
that he is also a very *odd* author...both the current 
adventure and the other ones referred to may be typical of 
"the world with just a few changes" but are (I'd say) 
refreshingly different from any known to originate in this 
our mundane world; and his asides are unique to AtD though they 
(caricature? parallel? build on? refract?) auctorial asides we 
know & love...further, both the freedom of speech and the
verbal dexterity afforded the Chums eclipses those qualities
as found in the Hardy Boys, Tom Swift and John Carter 
of Mars, taken together...

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