Who knew?

Keith keithsz at mac.com
Fri Jun 15 11:12:33 CDT 2007

The opening words are taken from the first paragraph of the Kafka  
esaay in Lectures On Literature. I stopped watching so don't know  
where it goes from there. Nabokov's essays are great antidotes to  
reading ATD as allegory. Very inspiring that Kafka essay.

"If the enchanter leaves and the storyteller and the teacher remain  
alone together, they make poor company." (LOL, p. 252)

On Jun 15, 2007, at 8:55 AM, David Morris wrote:

Christopher Plummer as Nabokov, but on the actual location.  Are the
words from a tape/transcript of the actual lectures?  He sure was an
entertainer, wasn't he?

On 6/15/07, Monte Davis <monte.davis at verizon.net> wrote:
> http://www.lavarious.com/microscopicallyfictitious/2007/06/nabokov- 
> on-kafka-parts-1-and-2.html

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