Webb Traverse and the Philosopher's Stone

mikebailey at speakeasy.net mikebailey at speakeasy.net
Wed Jun 20 06:13:20 CDT 2007

Mark Kohut very kindly stated:

>I learned a hell of a lot. 

eckshually, it was Keith's quoted article on Repeal, during his hosting,
that drew my attention to the reasons for it.

A more coherent post would have lumped points 1 & 2, added a mention
about Vibe and gold and neatly segued within that point to the Golden 
Rule...would have referenced text and other posts about argentaurum...
put the "gov't as a 3rd force" speculation in order as point 3,
and so forth -- one can always do better, today one sees "thro' a
Glass darkly"

But thank you!

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