Signs in the June sky

Bryan Snyder wilsonistrey at
Wed Jun 20 18:51:30 CDT 2007

Very interesting post and it got me thinking a bit.

I noticed/think/remember (and for books yet read, guess) that most of the characters that P portrays as near to positive and exemplar as he will spend much of their time outside.  And people like Weismann are mostly written when they are inside... Vibe is normally inside (but killed outside, and the first attempt on his life is outside as well...hmmm).

One could probably map out a very interesting graph (Graphs!) showing which Pynchon characters spend more than 50% of their time inside and outside.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-pynchon-l at [mailto:owner-pynchon-l at] On Behalf Of mikebailey at
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 7:39 AM
To: pynchon-l at
Subject: Re: Signs in the June sky

Glenn Scheper was stargazing  (-;

> Sunday night, after learning new skills and roto-tilling for two days,

what is up with that?  not just camping but homesteading?

> I imagine that seeing Venus pass from one side of the moon to the other
> would be the provenance of that rhyme, "the cow jumped over the moon."

then, could "the little dog laughed" refer to Sirius, the dog star?

one of the things that happen to the brothers T in AtD is they
end up spending a lot of time outdoors, in fact somewhat like
Slothrop does in GR -- I think it leads them to more insights
and greater compassion...and gives them more time to see the stars...

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