Top 10 Reasons Why AtD Sucks

Ray Easton kraimie at
Thu Jun 21 12:11:46 CDT 2007

On Thursday, Jun 21, 2007, at 11:29 US/Central, Daniel Harper wrote:

> On 6/21/07, Henry Winkler <rushm0r3 at> wrote:
> 10.  The title.
> What's wrong with the title? It's obscure, evocative, multilingual 
> perhaps... much like Pynchon's works in general, and ATD in 
> particular. 


> 1.  The Chums of Chance.
> What's wrong with them? Sure, they're a hokey literary device, but all 
> of Pynchon's works use hokey literary devices as intentional nudges to 
> the audience that this is a fictional world.
> Your trolling is not as entertaining as you think it is.
> --Daniel

You took something with the title of Henry's post seriously enough to 
compose a point by point reply to it?   Being just a teensy-weensy bit 
defensive, aren't we?

BTW, I'd call Henry's posts "acts of provocation" rather than trolling.

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