ATDTDA (11): Stormy weather, 322-326

kelber at kelber at
Sun Jun 24 12:18:20 CDT 2007

Kit's sort of a young Pynchon here.  English or Engineering?  Write for Boeing or become a writer?


-----Original Message-----
>From: Paul Nightingale <isreading at>

>If Kit is having second thoughts about taking money from Vibe (eg ". aware
>that there was no role for his destiny as a Vectorist within any set of Vibe
>goals he could imagine", even when avoiding "a dispute with the gent paying
>the bills", 319), then Vanderjuice's story is timely: "One day, just around
>the time I was beginning to feel dishonest taking Vibe's money, the checks
>stopped arriving ." (323). Kit responds "miserably".

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