Appeal to Star Trek buffs

Dave Monroe against.the.dave at
Tue Jun 26 14:18:56 CDT 2007

On 6/26/07, Jasper <jasper.fidget at> wrote:
> The "Trouble with Tribbles", while classic, is a rare comic episode, and
> not really representative of the series.  You'd do better with "Balance
> of Terror", "The City on the Edge of Forever", or "The Doomsday
> Machine".  Also, the Prime Directive is central to the episodes "A Piece
> of the Action" and "Patterns of Force".  As for the films, #s 2, 3, and
> 4 are widely considered best, especially #2.
> kelber at wrote:
> > Stick with the TV series.  "The Trouble With Tribbles" episode from the original show is a classic.

"A Piece of the Action" is my all time favorite.  "Jojo hits Krako,
Krako hits Tepo, Tepo hits me ...."  "Heaters."  Vic Tayback.
Fizzbin.  'Nuff said ...

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