Longish review of AtD

Ya Sam takoitov at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 27 08:17:22 CDT 2007

Back to the Future: On Thomas Pynchon's Against the Day
William Logan
Against the Day, by Thomas Pynchon. Penguin, November 2006. $35

Thomas Pynchon’s sprawling, untidy new novel, Against the Day, is only as 
frustrating as most of his fiction. It starts in the air, high-minded as a 
kite, and gradually flutters groundward, dragged down by subplots galore and 
characters thrown in willy-nilly, as if a novel’s only virtue were how many 
characters it could stuff into a phone booth (no doubt Pynchon, who has 
loaded the book with more Victorian mathematics than Carter had pills, has 
an algorithm up his sleeve).

The Chums of Chance


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