Against The Day

robinlandseadel at robinlandseadel at
Wed Jun 27 12:02:53 CDT 2007

       ...hmm, then could other pseudonymous 
       Pynchon oeuvre also be outthere besides

Ya can't rule out Wanda Tinasky:

       I saw your issue of January 2nd and I would like to add 
       Steve Martin and Governor Deukmejian to your list of 
       look-alikes. Since Steve Martin's public persona is that 
       of a skirt-crazed halfwit and Governor Deukmejian's is 
       that of a responsible caring public servant I hesitated 
       to suggest this, but people I consulted assured me that 
       Mr. Deukmejian would not feel insulted. "No," they said, 
       "the only way to insult an American like that is to piss on 
       his rug."

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