Grand Cohen, orange tabs, tarot wandering / couple-three VF & MC
mikebailey at
mikebailey at
Sat Jun 30 04:24:38 CDT 2007
> Be sure to mention "obsessive-compulsive".
> Ferris Bueller's Day Off
oh, see, I was thinking of Ben Stein whose money you are supposed
to win
> >linking the Grand Cohen (Crowley/
> >Nookshaft) to Genghis Cohen (Lot 49 stamp maven)
> >and putting them in the Alternate Communication
> >Channel category together...
> Czech!
now the consequences of that multiply, but I'm probably
barking up a bunch of wrong trees:
1) age of aquarius stuff, new era/aeon (new world order?)
is to established church & state as W.A.S.T.E. is to Thurn & Taxis?
2) Lot 49 is one of the 3 books envisioned in the Donadio letter?
or, the plan changed to accommodate more books? or, the
concepts from the major arcana of the Pynchon deck also
animate the lesser arcana?
3) - Tarot trumps correspond to letters of the Hebrew alphabet
(Crowley scoffed at the Golden Dawn initiation: "they swore me to secrecy, and then taught me the Hebrew alphabet") which also correspond
to the little lines between the circles in the Tree, they
are pathways. between sephiroth (that's the plural, as if
a Castilian cabalist with an aristocratic lisp were saying,
"Sephiros") - so technically when astral traveling it's as if
the sephiros were towns and the trumps/hebrew letters/paths were
the roads in between...
or the sephiros were nouns and the trumps verbs?
Cohen's weird sense of humor maps the trumps to people...
and he's one of them, by virtue of his title:
Grand Cohen roughly equals "High Priest" which is a Tarot trump
5) alternate communications equate to and/or result in
a counterculture (or Counterforce)
6) In the channeled Book of the Law, the entity Aiwass ("eyewash" to
non-believers??) says "to worship me, take wine and strange drugs"
> The rare Orange tab is for music, which might end up as
> Yellow tabs {got plenty} with Orange stars {ditto} for music.
guy in the park has some orange tabs...
> But I am not anywhere near as knowledgeable as you
> concerning the Kabbalah,
neither am I, heck I don't even know the paths by heart.
> What I'm doing is really is more like a horse race---
like studying the racing form?
>spying/encryption of all sorts.
> The mere presence of Nookshaft focuses on a co-joining of the occult and
> spying/intelligence gathering that mimics and greatly exceeds COL49.
yeah, I wanted to agree and supplement that with a perception
of how a wavefront of detection & spying ripples through the book
and laps up against spiritualism in Nookshaft's London,
but beyond the bare saying of that I'm not sure where to go...
I did have this stray thought while failing to progress with
the other, though:
basnight's innate detection skills, a gift from nature,
like Tesla's visionary ability
whereas Cyprian's skills evolve slowly through work,
like Merle's technical abilities
> What I'm wondering is: is Post-Modernism really "Post-God"?, where the
> old mono-theological myths eventually perish, as did [for the most part]
> the old polyandry of the deities? Or is it the intellectual equivalent of the
> Neo-Cons?
what I think that question means, is, does Post-Modernism bring us
to a "higher level" where belief in a "God" appears as clearly
unnecessary and hindersome as belief in the gods of Olympus
does from a rationalist-Christian standpoint?
Or does post-modernism, post-structuralism signal a retreat from
the challenges of modernism & structuralism into philosophies
that aren't definable in layman's terms and might not actually
have any meaningful content...just as the neo-cons retreated from
the drubbings that history inflicted on their Trotskyism, to
find refuge in excusing the excesses of the American empire?
That's not a comparison that would have occurred to me.
I'm not sure that's what you mean; if it is, I don't have an
answer, a clue as to whether AtD treats the question,
or even a retort.
> See, my spiritual teachers don't go for this hierarchical shit
I don't really think that Malkuth to Kether is a vertical or
hierarchical progression. The circles are pretty much the same
size. I think it's more like a map, and the astral traveler
is more like a wandering minstrel or merchant going from fair to
fair - like, Italy is at the bottom of Europe, sort of,
but that doesn't mean you're improving if you go to Holland.
Can't imagine anything/body more firmly lodged in Malkuth than Brigidier
> Pudding, and TRP did come up with that particularly foul gas transmission,
> didn't he?
gotta relish the idea of the general eating a turd. probably
an astral egregore of millions of soldiers' spirits,
past & present, in a cloud around his head as he wrote Katje
Anyways, Our Beloved Author really belongs in Tipheret along with
> Byron the lightbulb and other feebs who are hepped to what's goin' down but
> are just too helpless to do anything about it..
well, the thing of it is, this is the P-List; one of the
names of Kether is "The Vast Countenance" and AtD is the
face of Pynchon that we here on the list know...
but, yeah, Tipharet more relates to the heart, and OBA has
miles and miles of heart
Verbal felicities & memorable characters
329 - "in the bright light of day, the figures still looked sinister"
still? has Kit or the narrative been here before? at night?
The only time I think we've touched down at this building was
the Flashback, when Foley Walker entered Vibe's life,
and that too place in the daytime.
The only thing on the roof then was the Vibe henhouse.
Might not even be the same building, Vibe's come up in the world.
Great scene-setting, though.
329-330 pictures along the spiral staircase -- anybody flash back
to the milestones on the penal highway in Vineland?
cornering the pickle market - this is deliberately silly
(the kind of irreverent stuff an undergrad might think)
how exactly, or even vaguely, would that be pictured?
Vibe at a podium, on a plinth, holding up a pickle,
his competitors, subdued, sitting around a conference table,
in the act of signing painful contracts,
having had to come to terms - "ach, meine Essiggurke!"
Neofungoline - which implies there was a Paleo-fungoline, and
that the Vibe chemists work with mushrooms...
the Old World - amanita muscaria?
the New World - psilocybe cubensis?
the steamer Edwarda B. Vibe - shades of the oil tanker Condoleeza Rice!
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