looks like...

Erik T. Burns eburns at gmail.com
Thu Mar 1 17:19:30 CST 2007

...we're going to be able to road test how we feel about an
anticapitalist anarchist/antichrist offing innocents with dynamitic
mania in the real chicago...


Unabomber-Like Figure Baffles Feds

     Mar 01 2:06 PM US/Eastern

          Associated Press Writer

                               KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) --           He
calls himself "The Bishop." Exactly why is just one of the many
mysteries surrounding the increasingly menacing figure.

 The man _ and investigators believe they are dealing with a man _ is
suspected of sending at least a half-dozen threatening letters to
financial institutions over the past 18 months and mailing two dud
pipe bombs that arrived a day apart in Kansas City and Chicago in

 In his letters, The Bishop has demanded that financial companies move
the prices of certain stocks to certain levels, often $6.66 _ an
apparent reference to the Antichrist, said corporate counterterrorism
expert Fred Burton.

 Burton, whose security firm has been hired by financial companies to
find The Bishop, said the pipe bombs were assembled with crucial
components deliberately left out, in what was probably a warning. Next
time, Burton said, the bombs could be real.

 But catching The Bishop and figuring out exactly what his grudge is
could require help from the public, Burton said, noting that it was
Unabomber Ted Kaczynski's own brother who turned him in and ended the
17-year series of bombings that killed three people and injured 23.
David Kaczynski got suspicious after reading the Unabomber's anti-
technology manifesto, published in the newspapers.

 The Bishop, like the Unabomber, is probably mentally ill, highly
intelligent and a loner, said Burton, vice president of
counterterrorism for Stratfor, an Austin, Texas, security and
intelligence firm.

 Postal inspectors are offering a reward of up to $100,000 for
information. The investigation also includes the FBI, the Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and local law enforcement

 Spokesmen for the FBI and the Postal Inspection Service would not
comment in any detail on the investigation.

 Burton said some of Stratfor's financial clients asked his firm to
investigate in 2005 after The Bishop began sending threatening letters
from various Midwestern states, including Wisconsin and Iowa.

 Burton, who said he has many sources within law enforcement, wrote in
a weekly terrorism report last month that the letters have become
increasingly threatening.

 Law enforcement officials have not released the letters to the news
media, but Burton wrote that The Bishop began one letter mailed in
June with the words "TIMES UP!" and threatened to mail up to three
"packages" if a specific stock price did not "end green" on four
specific days.

 A recently released sketch by postal authorities depicts him as being
in his 30s or early 40s. Burton has pegged him between 25 and 35 but
is unable to say so far what his occupation might be, or whether he
has a family.

 Burton said The Bishop's belief that he can alter stock prices
suggests he suffers delusions of grandeur.

 "He's progressing," Burton said. "He's taking his thoughts, which in
his mind are reality. He's telling you what he's going to do and then
he does it. He's heading down a garden path of violence."

 The pipe bombs, sent in white cardboard boxes, carried the same
return address in Streamwood, Ill., and were postmarked Jan. 26 from
Rolling Meadows, Ill. One arrived Jan. 31 at American Century
Investments' Kansas City mail center, a few blocks from the company's
headquarters. A day later, a similar explosive was found at a business
in a 65-story skyscraper in Chicago.  "It's almost impossible to be
able to tell when he will mail his next devices," Burton said, "but he

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